
Enhancing the Capacity of African Science Academies: The Final Evaluation of ASADI

The InterAcademy Council (IAC) has issued a review of the African Science Academy Development Initiative (ASADI). The review concludes that the initiative has been a significant success - both in terms of meeting its stated objectives and in its wider positive impacts on the trajectory of the African science academies that it supported ...

ASADI is a partnership of the U.S. National Academies and several science academies in Africa aimed at strengthening the capacity of the African academies to inform policymaking through evidence-based science advice. The 10-year program involved efforts to build the scale and expertise of academy secretariats and infrastructure, and has also supported the Annual Meeting of African Science Academies (AMASA). The IAC review was issued during the AMASA 10 meeting in Kampala, Uganda.

The review lays out recommendations for the African science academies to help them build on the success of ASADI. The review also says that a possible successor to ASADI should be shaped and delivered within Africa. The review sees a clear need for more active continental-scale representation for African science. This might involve enhancing the Network of African Science Academies (NASAC), the coordinating body for the African science academies.

The African Science Academy Development Initiative is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Follow the link HERE for the full report and more information.